Today is the official recognition and celebration of the Vodu (not Vodoo) Festival in Dahomey aka Benin 🇧🇯🇧🇯🇧🇯🇧🇯🇧🇯🇧🇯🇧🇯. On this day January 10, every year, the day is recognized as a public holiday in Benin amidst pump and pageantry. It is always celebrated in the Historic City of Quidah and other cities across the country.

Vodu or Vodou was officially declared the National Religion in 1996 in Benin. Culture, Traditions, Singing, Dancing, Rituals etc characterizes most of the celebrations (forget all the ignorant depictions portrayed of Vodu in western movies and literature by Europeansand western media as well as ignorant Africans themselves). Let's take a ride whiles we educate ourselves on a lot of things about Vodu or Vodoun. 

Dahomey is the original name and still is of Benin. Da in Fon and Everh (not Ewe) means Snake and Homey means home or land and so Dahomey literally means home of the snake deity.

It's capital is Porto Novo. I have done a few posts on the relationship between the snake deity and Vodu (not Voodoo) on my wall and you can type in search and get some more information and knowledge on those two topics related to Benin.

It is Vodu and not Voodoo as pronounced or supposed to be spelt and the misnormered Vodoo. Do not let the ignorance of Europeans who cannot pronounce or  do not understand our culture and traditions redefine it for you. Vo means Spirit and Du means Community. Simply put invoke the spirit of the Community. This is why we have always lived a Communal lifestyle as Africans, as envisaged through the great idea and the power of the Community in unison to do something they actuallyset put to do and manifest it in the physical. Also Vo Du which is embedded in what Everhs call Afa, Yorubas call Ifa and Igbos call Afa is actually what we call Chemistry or Physics or Science in general in modern day, which stems from the world Alchemy, as practiced by our ancestors in tune with nature. There are many Afa or Ifa codes used in encoding many computer systems and many different modern day technologies all over the world. What you call Efa or Afa is what so called Jewish people call  Kabballah and which is what their real Religion is about. The Jewish Mysticism is what they actually practice and is what is hidden from the general populace who have been brainwashed and conditioned to call it Judaism. Most of the Rabbis in Israel practice this Mystery tradition ever since they learned it from our ancestors (mind you Rabbi or Rabi is another Everh word which can only be attained as a Vodu-Da initiate and one of the highest to be attained). Another hint to why you always find a lot of Jews trecking to the remote areas of the Volta and Oti Regions of Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria is not because they are tourists but they are still finding ways to understand Vodu Da in its entiety. Will end it here for now. For more information my senior brothers Komi Papa Geraldo and Mawufemor Korbla Nornyibey  can help us with more knowledge and understanding on this topic.

Sahr Nkosi Abraham Nana Kofi Odzefo

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