Anloga Uses Tourism For Rapid Socio-Economic Transformation

Anloga Uses Tourism For Rapid Socio-Economic Transformation

By Herald

Anloga Chiefs
Anloga Chiefs

LOCAL economic Development (LED) and assembly specific composite budgeting are among a number of raft policy initiatives being spearheaded by the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization and Local Government (MOLGD&LG) and the Local Government Service (LGS) to devolve and decentralize development planning and development to the grassroots as part of the national localgovernance reforms, which commenced in 1988,using MMDAs-MMDCEs as frontline and key delivery agents and promoters.

Anloga District

The Anloga District Assembly (ADA) an infant assembly in the Volta Region and a frontline stakeholder- player in local government and governance practice hasprioritized tourism developmentas reliable alternative development strategy to promote the area's rapid socio-economic transformation.


A press statement from the Office of the District Chief Executive (DCE), at Anloga the district capital said the young assembly conducted feasibility studies into its tourism potential, whose outcome returned positive and ranked the area as highly endowed in rare and outstanding tourism resources.

The release which was signed by Mr Seth Yormewu, the DCE for Anloga said motivated by the research findings, the assembly has prioritized tourism development with an inventory of and documented its tourism resources into bankable investment products for both local and foreign investors, which ADA intends as a strategy to transform the area into an attractive and competitive international tourism hub as well as promote the area's rapid socio-economic transformation.

Taourism potential

The statement noted the District has and boasts of remarkable tourism potential made –up of calm water bodies around the Volta Estuary, beautiful creeks and lagoons, clean, beautiful and attractive sandy beaches and other historic landmarks.


The Overlord of the Anlo State and the custodian of Anlo Culture, custom, customary practice and usage is known as the Awomefia, He is the Paramount Chief of the Anlo State as well as the President of the Anlo Traditional Council and above the embodiment of Anlo Culture.

Cultural heritage

Anloga the district capita (DC) is virtuallyAnlo since it also doubled as the traditional capital (TC) of the Anlo State and division of the larger Ewe ethnic group and tribes of West Africa, who are found in the Republic of Ghana, Republic of Togo and Benin among others.

Demography-The dominant inhabitants of Anloga,the district capital and the district at large are predominantly indigenous Anlo Ewes whose main occupation is subsistence farming and commercial fishing, with very few working as teachers, health experts, public servants, judicial staff, police and fire service personnel and scanty few other tribes who are also public and civil servants with the above institutions as well as some few settler businessmen and women among others.

The release named the area's other tourism resources to include Hogbetsotsoza, a rich cultural heritage festivalof the Anlo Ewes, which reenacts and gives vivid account of the migration of the forbearers of the Anlo Ewes from the tyranny of King Agorkorli in the 15th Century from their ancestral home called Nortsie in present day Republic of Togo to their present abode.

Water antelopes & Eco-Tourism-Endangered Water Antelope (Sitatunga) are found in the area's Avu Lagoon, as a result the Assembly is usingEco-Tourism to protect and promote the conservation ofthe endangered rare species and research on the endangered rare wild life species in collaboration with the Wildlife Division.

Mangroves-Research into socio-economic importance of mangroves and wetlandswhich are in abundance in the district, which also provide sanctuary for several local and migratory bird spices that fly and patronize the Mediterranean –South Atlantic flyway, including waterfowls, types of terns and gulls, which nest, rest, feed and breed in the area are other areas the assembly earmarked for conservation and promotion in its Eco-Tourism Development Strategy.The mangroves have several uses including as a source of fuel wood for domestic and commercial uses, flood control, recreation, environmental research and fish breeding among others.

Clean & beautiful beaches -The assembly has long stretches of very beautiful, very clean and attractive beach-front and coastal assets forming part of the bigger Atlantic-Gulf of Guinea Coast, very suitable for sunbathing and relaxing, which attract several European tourists and local alike. The beaches have clean golden sands and are very synonymous with beautiful coconut fringed plantations which very attractive.

Other tourism resources of the young assembly include Slave trade monuments, and landmarks at Atorkor Slave Market, as the area was one of the epic centres during the infamous slave trade. The assembly plans to re-reengineer the existing slavery monuments, to upgrade and transform the place into an international and UNSCO accredited slavery research centre.

Clay Deposits and Straw-The area also has clay deposits, which are suitable for hollow bricks, roofing tiles, dinner wares and ceramic industries .The area moreover has the straw plant in abundance which also provide raw material for a number of straw products for weaving for domestic and cocoa sacks and others.Light house, ramsar sites and seasonal sea turtles are regular sites in the area for egg laying and hatching.The district is also synonymous aquaculture, marine culture, oyster culture, pen culture, cage culture,shrimp culture and fish farming among others.


The Anloga District (ADA) is one of the 18 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the Volta Region. It was carved out of the Keta Municipal Assembly in 2019 by Legislative Instrument 2018 (LI2372), with Anloga as its district capital (DC) and inaugurated on 19th February, 2019.


The District is located East of the Volta Estuary, about 160Km to the East of Accra, off the Accra-Aflao main road and lies within Longitudes O.53E and 0.89W and Latitudes 5.47N and 5.79S. It shares common borders with Keta Municipal on the East, South Tongu District to the West, Akatsi South District and to the North and the Gulf of Guinea to the South.

Hospitality facilities

The district has a number of hospitality facilities including Meet Me There, Eli Beach and others to provide for the accommodation, catering and entertainment needs of visitors to the area.

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