Anloga residents cry over 40 years old abandoned Clinic projects

Anloga is a beautiful town that lies on the coastal scrub and mangrove of the Volta Region, hemmed in on two sides by the Keta Lagoon and the sea before the lagoon goes out to the estuary to meet Lake Volta and the sea at Anyanui-Fuveme. It is a hospitable town with a unique architecture, a maze of narrow streets, which enjoyed many amenities; the country, serenity, water and electricity, sanitation, beautiful beaches and hotels. The indigenes are predominately farmers.

One major drawback of this town is the access to quality healthcare services. The only Health Centre that serves about twenty different communities is underdeveloped and under-resourced.
For years now, residents of the town and its environs have been lamenting about the lack of emergency unit, pediatric care, theatre and a mortuary. They recount how they have to travel to seek healthcare services in Keta, Sogakofe and Aflao. This unfortunately, is taking a heavy toll on their lives and on their meagre resources.

A visit by to the Anloga Clinic made it clear that transformation of a clinic would take much more than a new paint and a fence wall. Our checks also revealed that projects that have been started about 40yrs ago by the then PNDC government are left to rot whilst the land is encroached and used for farming purposes. One would have thought that since Anloga doubles as the traditional area and district capital, the Health Centre would receive a facelift.

A statement of controversy that left residents in awe is that, the current government is in talks with the opinion leaders to find a new site for the building of an ultramodern hospital facility meanwhile, the Health Centre with its vast land could be upgraded to a polyclinic or a hospital.
A new hospital facility would take off the burden on Keta Municipal Hospital. Residents are appealing to government, civil society groups, religious bodies, NGOs and donor support to make this dream see the light of day.


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