1889 - Tenge Djokoto II’s return home and visit to Christianborg Castle in Osu, Accra. (History of Ewes of West Africa by C. M. K. Mamattah, 1979) & (W. S. Chapman Klutse, The Keta Coast Erosion and Dredging for Development; and some landmarks of Anlo History, Accra, 1984)
D. K. T. Djokoto’s grandfather, Chief Tenge Dzokoto II, had also served as Dufia of Anyakoand Miafiaga of the Anlo State between 1873-1911, after succeeding his great-Grandfather General Tenge Dzokoto I, who previously served in the same capacity from 1825-1866. Dzokoto I had notably led the successful Datsutagba war and the siege of the Keta Fort 1865 -1866. He was awarded by the Omanhene of Akwamu, Nana Akoto for his valour. Tenge Dzokoto II was pro-German and favoured Otto Von Bismarck’s foreign policy of non-interference in Anlo Affairs. Until the Berlin Conference of 1884-85, Bismarck was disinterested in Africa, yet felt it necessary to colonise Togo in response to British Aggression.
Djokoto’s grandfather had famously “disappeared into thin-air” after an assassination attempt by the Keta-based British forces, leaving just a cloth behind, which was presented to Queen Victoria for a museum showpiece. After the burning of Alakple, Kodzi, Fiawu and Dudu by the British, Tenge Dzokoto II was exiled in Notsie with his battalion, and members of his exclusive Yewecult, for almost a decade. He later moved to the German-administered Togo, petitioned elders of Avedotui land and chose a site near Gafe. The elders named Tenge Dzokoto II's settlement Tenge Kpedzi at Gafe, Togo in honour the development.

Tenge Dzokoto II took this opportunity to reorganise his his battalion, posting Adabraga Preku and his regiment at Tsikalekope, the main entrance of the settlement. Tenge settled Kpogo and his battalion at Anyro to ward off enemies from the Adzanju end. He then embarked on visits to Assahoun and Tsevie to develop relations with other Anlo's settled there and in other parts of Togoland. Tenge was introduced to the German Governor-Resident in Lomé, then referred to as Bey Beach, and received the full support and patronage of the German Government. Representatives of the German Government later visited Tenge’s settlement regularly from Lomé especially over the weekends.
United by a common enemy, the Germans found in Tenge a faithful ally and built for him in his settlement a military training depot with a horse-stable. The British at Keta and Cape Coast heard of the rapid armament and influence of Tenge Dzokoto II and, in their view, the dangerous alliance he had formed with the Germans. They regarded this as a direct threat to their sphere of influence within the Gold Coast.
The British lured a few Anlo Chiefs with bribes and presents, and they in turn, provided their embassy with information about Tenge’s Bate clansmen: James Ocloo I and William Henry Klutse Kobla Chapman. W. H. K. Chapman, a former District Commissioner of Keta, later travelled to Togoland to meet Tengey at his settlement. He assured Tenge Dzokoto II that the motive behind the ardent request for his presence in Anlo was not sinister but complimentary. Tengey Dzokoto II was needed to lead an Anlo delegation to Accra to sign a treaty of peace and friendship with the British who were now supposedly desirous to help the Anlo’s become a great nation. James Ocloo remained behind at Tenge Kpedzi to deal with any mails and other confidential matters relating to Tenge Dzokoto II.
W. H. K. Chapman cautioned Tenge not to ride triumphantly with pomp and pageantry but to ride in unannounced as the official guest of the British Government. He was to be lodged at the Keta Fort and boarded a vessel from the Keta Beach to Accra leading a delegation consisting of Anlo elders.
On reaching Kedzi, the news had spread and all Anlo flocked to welcome their idol and great hero. Tenge was forced to address the gathering. He was brief as brevity is the soul of wit - “I have denounced all wars and hostilities against the British. Everyone must return to his base camp. I am bound for Accra and shall return unharmed shortly. Tengey sailed for Accra with Chapman, Fomenya, Kwasi Ahiakonu and District Commissioner Mr. Obrien was in escort.
A report was made to the Governor that Tenge had arrived at the Castle. The Governor ordered that Tengey should be locked in the cell. No sooner had the officer-in-escort locked the door of the cell before he came to find Tenge seated outside of the cell with is snuff-box in his hand, in his typically composed manner, stroking his beard. Tenge Dzokoto II was thrice locked up in the cell but thrice came out. Tenge Dzokoto II and the Anloleaders were graciously received into the Official Residence at Government House, Osu. After some days of relaxation and round-table diplomatic activity, a conference was convened.
Tenge led the Anlo delegation during the peace talks. The British regretted and apologised for all the blunders of the past, on both sides, and referred to the past as a trial of strength between two brave fighting cocks. They heaped encomiums upon Tenge and assured him that he was the greatest warrior they had met among the Anlo's. Tenge at that meeting was declared paramount ruler from Volta estuary down to Ave Afiadenyigba. The British offered to build for Tengey Dzokoto II a royal palace from the ruins of buildings they had destroyed at Anyako.
He was recognised as the Supreme Ruler in Anlo with authority to adjudicate in all matters civil and criminal within the State. Tengey Dzokoto thanked the British Government and replied - “your hospitality to me and to my team has been wonderful. I am deeply grateful for your fund of goodwill and for your recognition of me as paramount ruler of the Anlos.”
The Awomefia (Paramount Chief of Anlo) delegation discussed and agreed to the peace terms. After 21 days at the Castle, the British Governor ordered that an escort of 50 soldiers and carriers be laid on to escort Tenge and the Anlo deputation back home. Tenge was carried in hammock all the way by the beach through Anloga to Anyako. The Tengey party was seen off with 21 Kegs of gunpowder, 21 cases of stork gin and 21 rifles. The journey took 7 days. On reaching Anloga, a great durbar of Chiefs and people was held at the instance of the British Government to welcome Tenge back home. Awomefia Amedo Kpegla was in the chair. The British handed Tenge over to the Anlo’s and, in the report of proceedings at Accra, mentioned Tenge is now the supreme traditional ruler. The peace terms were read over to the Anlo’s.
After the durbar, amid the firing of musketry, Tenge was given a hero’s welcome and escorted from Anloga to Keta down to the full length of his journey back home to Anyakoacross the Keta Lagoon. At the Keta lagoon crossing too, Tenge gave a display of supernatural powers. The convoy successfully reached Anyako and slept. Next morning after serving the convoy with a meal and rum, Tenge bade them farewell. On his return to Anyako, Tenge erected a three-storey block with a court attached. The building was his residence, his Courthouse and his guesthouse. It was the first of its kind in Anlo history.”

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