COVID-19: EC to go Ahead with New Register as Printing of 20 Million Registration Forms Underway

The Electoral Commision of Ghana has began the Printing of over 20 million copies of Registration forms which it intends to use for the Controversial New Voter’s Register.

Indications are that, the government will soon lift the ban on social gathering to pave way for the Electoral Commission to introduce a new Voter’s Register. Earlier, the EC, on the 25th of April 2020 disregarded a court injunction filed against it and went ahead to organise a training workshop for key staff of the commission with protection of government, with law enforcers just on-looking in absolute contravention of the laws of the Republic, and in complete disregard for the directives of the President of the Republic.

Images of the EC printing large quantities of Registration forms have gone viral on social media indicating the EC readiness to begin New Voter’s register.

With the corona infections still on the rise, it is surprising the EC would be allowed to put over forty (40) of its staff together to hold a meeting when the sPresident had decreed that, no social gatherings exceeding 25 people should be tolerated. Schools, Churches and some market places remain closed only for the Electoral Commission to have it’s way to compile a new register. Even in this period of Ramadan Fasting, Mosques remain closed. The situation has sent many well meaning Ghanaians and civil society organisations questioning the importance of a new Register costing the nation some $150m at a time when our frontline medical personnel are in need on PPEs to fight the Novel Coronavirus.

The Electoral Commission has disregarded any suggestions and inputs by IPAC, (the inter party advisory body and stakeholder in the EC’s decision making process) offered. The EC had earlier presented a CI to Parliament in which the EC seeks to use only Passports and the Ghana card as proof of citizenship, throwing away all forms of identification.

Many have argued that, in this difficult moments, It is possible to go into elections with the current Voter’s register since it is credible. It ushered in the President and his government. It has been used in creating new regions through a referendum and subsequent District Assembly Elections which the Electoral Commission deemed 97% successful.

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