I want to do something that I normally don't do for members of the party vying for positions in the party. Like some other elders of the party, l usually show neutrality while supporting the candidate of my choice in the quiet.

For me to say a word of recommendation about the candidate called Hon. Fifi Kwetey who is aspiring for the position of General Secretary of the NDC, the motivation to do so is my absolute conviction of its compelling need in the interest of the party for our victory in the 2024 elections.

 l am much     convinced that my   declaration to recommend Fifi Kwetey who is  well endowed with the required competent ability to successfully handle the position of General Secretary will be very useful to the party as we want to return to power to save our nation from those who are destroying it. It is practically true that not many people are gifted with the ability of accurately identifying the natural skills of others who can successfully handle certain  sensitive positions like that of a General Secretary of a political party. In view of the fact that they lack the skill of differentiating between a competent and incompetent candidates, they are tempted to draw a conclusion about the person based on his physical appearance especially how nice looking is the person. This is misleading and may be very dangerous to the NDC if its members would choose General Secretary for the party based upon this factor that is not empirical.

 We need to closely examine the past  performance of Fifi Kwetey during the campaign towards the 2008 elections at the time he featured prominently in pushing forward the campaign for our victory in that year's general elections. It was the time he was the National Propaganda Secretary of the NDC. I was working with him in the distance and established frequent communication link with him while both of us were exchanging ideas on how the party could engage strategically on its campaign. After each rally, we tried to assess the message delivered by each speaker and find out if they could be some adjustment in the  content of the message to make them more suitable to the public. I cannot say a lot about it here, the details of our discussions on the telephone on this subject.

 What l did was, l kept monitoring the campaign activities of the party throughout the country to ensure that things were going on well with the national campaign team. During the course of this, l discovered the marvelous performance of Fifi Kwetey, how he supported the campaign of the party by using his position meritoriously as National  Propaganda Secretary. No doubt, the 2008 election victory of the NDC owed a lot to the strategic performance of this young politician at that time. He did his utmost best in his contributions to bring the NDC to power in the 2008 elections. It is not exaggeration to say this because that was exactly the situation if people can throw their minds back to the time l am making reference to. He was very bold and strategically able to help disorganize the NPP campaign machinery through what he termed, "to set the records straight " , among others.

 Some of the things he did to  bring down completely the NPP for them to be defeated by the NDC, l cannot say them here for political security reasons. 

Let it, however, suffice to say that, he is well gifted with a political ability that many admired and l can certainly say he played several times ahead of his political contemporaries when reference is made to strategic political performance that  produce results. This is not a statement meant to favour him because of his intension to  contest the position of General Secretary but an accurate and factual analysis of his endowed ability that he displayed in the past that in no small measure  facilitated the electoral victory of the NDC in 2008.

 In my considereed opinion, l wish to recommend Hon. Fifi Kwetey based upon the merit of his past performance having showed that he is a person  well endowed with tremendously constructive ability for the position of General Secretary and we as a party should not do any mistake to choose a different person for that position if we want to come back to power. I am very certain of the recommendation l am making of him because l know that when he is given the chance to serve as General Secretary of the party, he will surely put in place a proper measure to block the NPP from succeeding at the polls through the fraudulent means by which they declared themselves  winners of the 2020 elections. Let us take this as a serious remark deserving of the person.

 Some people may envy him for this seldom excellent  ability that he has, as l know, is usual with the African at this part of the world. I am convinced in my observation that while we are praising  Hon. Asiedu Nketia for his tremendous ability as General Secretary over the years, someone  more likely to perform like him or far more than him for the victory of the NDC is the young politician called Fifi Kwetey who is emerging in the race for the General Secretary position of the NDC. I will stand vindicated by my projection of this very man when he is given the nod and begins to perform to the admiration of all. Although, currently some people may argue against my recommendation of Fifi Kwetey, the fact remains that   he is unequalled to none in the party at the moment  when we are talking about a person with strategic ability who can best help in the position of General Secretary to bring the NDC to power in the midst of daunting multiple challenges being posed by the NPP's fraudulent political manoeuvres and which threaten against the survival of the NDC. Those who want the NDC to return to power should see Fifi Kwetey as the right choice for the position of General Secretary at this most crucial moment in our democratic political journey as a nation and as a party. 


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