The historical narratives of our escape and exodus from Notsie under the cruel rule of King Agorkorli to our present location in Ghana, saw Anlo women play very important roles that made our escape possible.

The first significant role they played was how they collective obeyed the secret decree from the Ewe elders, to consistently pour dirty water on one particular spot of the “mud wall fence” Agorkorli built anytime they had to dispose off any water.
This made that particular spot of the wall soft over time and then made it possible for our Ancestors to easily push it down and escape.
King Agorkorli had spiritually fortified the fence walls with very powerful juju to prevent people from attacking and escaping from his kingdom. But then our Forefathers also knew that dirty water, especially after women wash their underwear’s during their menstrual cycle has the potency to weaken spiritual fortifications of any kind.
And it indeed weakened the spiritual fortifications in the wall before Torgbui Tegli used the “Adekpui” (spiritual dagger of liberation) to thrust the wall and completely disable its spiritual powers before they pushed it down and escaped.

It is worth noting that the potency of a Woman’s menstruation is never underestimated in Anlo culture. 
The cloth used for menstruation before the emergence of “Pad”, is locally known as “Nyagadzi” and is a very very powerful “weapon” used in disabling any kind of juju power or “dzoka”(black power). Some women still use “Nyagadzi” alongside the pad.
This is the reason our Forefathers don’t allow a Woman in her menses to cook food for them.

And to add to the roles of Anlo Women is that they carried the luggage’s such as #Food_stuffs, #clothes, #Cowries and other valuables in their “#Kevi” bags (Rafia woven bags) and their “#Akpaku bags (Big Gourd bags). And this is beautifully displayed every year at Hogbetsotso Za.
They also fed the entourage, took care of the children and some of them like #Mama_Yakagbe” were even Warriors who went into battle with the men.

And then Anlo Women also came up with innovative ideas to make foods and snacks that could last for days and months like #Dzowoe.
Dzowoe is a whole balanced diet made up of different ingredients such as maize, pepper, groundnut, salt etc etc and can last for months without going bad.
And the beautiful display of Culture by Anlo women during every Hogbetsotso Festival sums it all up. And the few pictures I’ve added to this post would tell you the story.
#EwePride #EweArchives #Hogbetsotso2022 

Photo credits; Senyuiedzorm Awusi Adadevoh & Yaw Pare
Story: Selorm Ameza

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