"Marcus Garvey was one of the greatest black leaders we ever had. He organized more black people than any other black leader in the world. Marcus Garvey said that black people will never become successful depending on whites or other races of people, he said that as black people we must come together and do for self. I'm going to list some of Marcus Garvey's achievements.

1. Marcus Garvey built factories, and his factories made clothes and they also made black dolls for black kids to play with.

2. He built a hotel.

3. He built a chain of grocery stores.

4. His organization had their own trucking company.

5. He built schools.

6. He built restaurants.

7. His organization had their own printing press.

8. He started 3 newspapers.

9. His main newspaper was called the Negro World, and that newspaper was published in English, Spanish and French.

10. His organization bought 3 ships and they started practicing international trade and commerce.

11. Marcus Garvey's organization owned office buildings.

12. His organization also bought an auditorium in New York, and that's where Garvey did most of his speaking and that place was called Liberty Hall.

13. By 1922 Marcus Garvey organization had 6 million members.

14. His organization had over 900 branches in 40 different countries. 

15. Marcus Garvey also started his own political party, and he named it The Peoples Political Party.

16. Marcus Garvey was the first black leader that changed the (mindset) of black people. He taught blacks to love themselves, and he taught us to be proud of the way that God made us. 

17. Kwame Nkrumah became the first president of Ghana, and he said that Marcus Garvey was his hero and his biggest influence. Nkrumah named Ghana's shipping line the Black Star Shipping line in honour of Marcus Garvey. He also named Ghana's soccer team the Black Stars. 

18. Jomo Kenyatta became the first president of Kenya, and he also said that Marcus Garvey was a major influence on him.

19. Nnamdi Azikiwe became the first president of Nigeria, and said that Marcus Garvey was a major influence on him. He said that reading Garvey's Negro World shaped his view.

20. Julius Nyerere became the first president of Tanzania, and he also said that Garvey's teachings was a major influence on him. 

21. Malcolm X parents were members of Marcus Garvey's organization.

22. The honorable Elijah Muhammad the leader of the Nation of Islam praised Marcus Garvey. He said that Garvey was the forerunner and laid the foundation for what the Nation of Islam is doing. He said that they are carrying on the work of Garvey. 

23. Marcus Garvey said that his organization employed 1000's of people through the businesses that they created.

Marcus Garvey did all of that without any help from white people or the Government, He did this during a time when there were no televisions or computers." Up you might race you can accomplish what you will.  By connecting to our birthright of greatness. Our history connects to the first doctors scientists mathematicians. We are the original woman and man .

Don't you think our generation must come together to do more for ourselves and the next generations?

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