The Proto-Eʋe Speaking People, or the «People from the Great Valley» (of the Nile River).

Flag of the Eʋe Speaking People.
he Proto-Eʋe Speaking People, or the «People from the Great Valley» (of the Nile River).
Many people never ask where the name «Eʋe» given to a whole social group comes from. And they also rarely ask when and howthis name started to be used for this social group. But anthropological, historical, spiritual and linguistic Facts (see among other Authors Amenumey 1986, De Brosses 1760, Djikstra 1991 & 2009, Dohnani 1988, Folikpo 2007 & 2017 cited in the References) prove that the Proto-Eʋe Speaking People have been named in reference to their settlement along the Nile River prior to the pre-dynastic period in the History of ancient Nubia and of ancient Egypt. The term Eʋemeaning “Valley” or “Shallows” till nowaday has been used since that time for a composite social group that is strongly tied through the following Facts:
  • the use of the same Language (an old variant of Gbè named as Proto-Gbè in Linguistics, see Capo 1988 & 1991 cited in the References);
  • the sharing of the same cosmogonic and spiritual Values that rely on the permanent and Triadic Equilibrium in the whole Divine Creation (see Folikpo 2017 cited in the References);
  • the mastering of certain economic activities such as the extraction and the transformation of Iron, of Cupper, of Silver, etc. (see the video further about Gunu Dudji near Dogbo)
  • the great importance given to the collective Memory through Orality over the generations (see for example Avogbedor 1985 cited in the References).
Through his own Field investigations on the topic concerning the Etymology of the Ethnonym Eʋe, the young Togolese Sociologist Dr. Albert Koussito also found out (according to personal communication done to the Author) that the Eʋe Speaking People have developped since their departure from the Valley of the Nile River a psychologically deep preference to live always in a Valley where they can easily findfertile Soils for Farming and rich subterranean Mines for the extraction of Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold and other precious materials. He pointed out that even the EʋeSpeaking People living today in mountainous regions like Agu, Kpalime, Danyi, Ho, Hohoe, Kpandu etc. always show this spontaneous liking for Life and Work in the surrounding valleys, albeit their Forefathers have settled down in the hills and mountains for security reasons in the last four or three centuries during the awful Atlantic Slave Trade. TheProto-Eʋe Language was one of the Languages used for initiatic, for pedagogical and for liturgical purposes in ancient Nubia and in ancient Egypt (see for exampleDohnani 1988 & Folikpo 2007 cited in the References). Other thorough works done by many eminent Researchers (see among many Authors Diop 1956, Kubik 1994, Reisner 1923, Wachsmann 1964 cited in the References) have demonstrated that many social groups started to migrate from the ancient Egypt towards the South-East of Africa (namely towards Nubia where the Egyptian High Culture and Civilization originated from) and towards West Africa around 1475 B.C. (that is, before christian era!) , as show by the map below:  

Map describing the Migration waves in ancient Africa from the Nile Valley to South-East Africa and to West Africa. (Map reproduced from illustrations of Gerhard Kubik and Paul Klaus Wachsmann)

The Publications mentioned above and in the bibliographical References have demonstrated already how the Concept of the Divine Triple Triad (named with the termYeʋe, see Folikpo 2007 & 2017 cited in the References) is a typical Concept from the EʋeSpeaking People and how this term like many others have been borrowed by other social groups like the Hebrews since the ancient times during their stay in the antique Egypt and Nubia. These Publications have also explained already how the Proto-EʋeSpeaking People had/have a deep astronomic and astrological Knowledge about the Cosmos. A typical proof of this deep astronomic and astrological Knowledge is the Fact that the Eʋe Speaking People and the Dogon Speaking People for example were/are some of the rare social groups who knew/know a lot of things about the Triple Constellation of Sirius since the antique times and about the relationship between this Constellation of Three Stars and the Triad made of the Sun (Ɣe or So-Gbó), of the Moon(Ɣeletí or So-Ví) and of the Earth (Anyí orDò-So). The Three Stars building this Constellation are known in the Eʋe Language till nowaday as So-Gblɛn (or Nyi-Gblɛn), asSo-Dza and as So-Wlí, as it has been explained by the former German ResearcherJakob Spieth in his seminal Works on theEʋe Speaking People (see Spieth 1906 & 1911 cited in the References).  

Illustration of the stellar constellation of Sirius according to the description done 
by Jakob Spieth and according to the Oral Traditions among the Eʋe Speaking People

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