Shocking!! This is why Anlos are feared in Ghana

31, 2020

After World War I, the League of Nations gave the Germans occupied areas to Britain and France as mandated territories. Those who were under the British are now the Ghanaian Ewes, those under the French are Togo, and Benin (Dahomey) Ewes, respectively. The Anlo Ewes are part of the Ghanaian Ewes group and they form about thirteen percent (13%) of the Ghanaian population (1,615,700 in Ghana (1991)). They have more often than not, traced their roots to Notsie in Togo where they are believed to have served under a wicked king. But, did you know they essentially instigated their woes?
Well, essentially because by deceiving their ‘host-king’; Agorkoli and getting his relative killed, they started a battle, one that saw them suffer for a long time. That’s not all, they believe they are linked with the tribe of Judah, and also have connections with the Lost Continent. Why are they feared by many? Well, that’s a question you’d want to find out about.

Our train made a stop at Anloga, where our renowned resource person, Agbotadua Togbi Kumassah enlightened the team about the History of the Anlos. The Spokesperson to the Awoemefia also shed more light on how the 36 states under the Anlo Kingdom eventually settled in the Volta Region.

When the Dogbos arrived in Notsie, their host King Adelã Atogble received them well and treated them nicely. Adelatorble, the King later married Mama Asongoe, a former wife of Adza Ashimadi, King of Tado, and mother of Kponoe who later became Sri 1, leader and later the first Awoamefia of the Dogbo group. Asongoe gave birth to a number of girls for Adelatorble, the eldest being Mama Kokui Wala, the mother of Tsatsu Adeladza, second Awoamefia of the Dogbo in their new settlement at Anloga.

After the death of Ago, his successor Ago Akoli became king just before the middle of the seventeenth century. According to all accounts, he was an energetic and dynamic leader, and he ended some of the proscriptions that inhibited the exercising of his function as a leader. Unfortunately, things were not exactly the same during the new regime. It is undeniable that during his reign conflicts arose.

Conflict within the city stemmed from Agokoli‟s desire to leave his traditional enclosure against the wishes of his councilors. Conflict also arose because of the construction of the monumental walls, which involved the mobilization of large manpower and extremely unpleasant conditions.

He sought to impose his will on the people and generally tyrannized them by setting them a number of impossible tasks to perform. He punished those who did not obey him and flaunted all traditions. Because of this the name Agokoli is synonymous with singular violence and tyrannical cruelty.

They were regularly requested to entertain the King, his visitors, and other favorites. As a consequence, the Ewes were allowed to play their drums, sing, and dance all through the night without any interference from the authorities. Despite all these attributes of the Ewes, the new king was still very hostile to them and ruled all the immigrants with an iron hand.

For example, he ordered that all elderly people should be killed, but the Dogboawo managed to keep one old man in hiding; his name was Tegli. It was Tegli who advised them to ask the women in all Ewe settlement groups to throw bath and other wastewater against the thick wall around Notsie to soften it, making it possible for them later, to break it down.

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