Mahama questions timing of military deployment to 4 border Regions

Former president John Mahama in a press release Sunday questioned “the unexplained security deployments to these border regions” which he said, “have clearly been timed to coincide with the commencement of the voter
registration exercise across the country.”

“The singling out of the Volta, Oti and other regions for this kind of attack must be condemned by all. We cannot remain silent while a part of our country is marginalized on account of political calculation.”

“The people of those regions reserve the right to support any political party of their choice and should not be punished unjustly for doing so,” he said.

According to him, such an action has been taken by the state to intimidate citizens ahead of the national voters’ registration exercise which starts on Tuesday.

“It is becoming evident by the day, that the Akufo-Addo government perceives political power as an end in itself hence the resort to such crude and high-handed measures to usurp the mandate of the people,” the press statement said.

Mr Mahama said, “to send troops into regions in times of peace for the sole purpose of preventing them from registration amounts to declaring war on them”.

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