Hon. Emmanuel Bedzrah promoting TechHub in Ho West

Hon. Emmanuel Bedzrah promoting TechHub in Ho West
Having spent the past five days at the Ho West TechHub, an intensive capacity building camp in IT and management being sponsored by Hon. Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah (MP for Ho West), participants have gone on a three-day new year break to recuperate and prepare for more in the coming week. The break was necessitated by the rigorous intellectual pressure that the participants, most of whom have very little or no prior experience in IT, have had to endure within the short period. Also, most of them would have loved to crossover into the new year with their families as well for which reason the break was unavoidably useful.

TechHub commenced on Monday, the 27th of December, 2021 at the Tsito learning Center of the University of Ghana’s College of Education. It has been five days of intense life changing experience for the learners. The program which was advertised received a lot of applications from across the constituency. The overwhelming numbers made it impossible for all those who applied to be admitted for which reason the MP decided to stagger the innovation through the coming year. Out of the many numbers that applied, 25 were selected from across the eight zones of the constituency for this first edition.   

During the five days, participants most of whom have no experience in computing were introduced to various concepts in the fields of computer science including the history of computers, typing, website development and design using html, types of programing languages, social media marketing, programming and app development, Artificial intelligence, Software development, Search Engines and computer hardware among others.

The intense structure of the program offered beneficiaries a lot of new experiences beyond the Laboratory for which reason all participants are eternally grateful to the Ho West law maker and his team of selfless lieutenants for the thought of this life changing experience. Before the break, a good number of participants took time to express their joy and gratitude for being part of the pioneering group. They are of the opinion that the novel initiative should become a permanent feature on the MP’s annual programs since the benefit is enormous. 

Facilitators were drawn from different backgrounds in the computer sciences including professors, lecturers, graduates and current students from world class academic institutions. Dr. Prince Clemence Addo, an adjunct professor of Database Design and Digital Analytics, a product of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China having heard about the program surprised learners with an insightful introductory lectures on Social Media Marketing and Artificial Intelligence. 

In the course of the week, some notable personalities took time off their busy schedules to interact with the participants. First to have visited the training center on Tuesday 29th December was the MP for Ho Central, Hon. Benjamin K. Kpodo who was full of appreciation to his colleague MP for the innovation. He was very impressed with the fact that the participants chose to sacrifice the yuletide and learn, and encouraged them that with focus and determination every learning challenge is surmountable. Also, Mr. Delight Tettey Nukomeko equally spent some time with the learners and urged them to be grateful to the MP for the   golden opportunity. He also added his voice that they take their studies seriously. 

Another influential figure to have passed through the workshop on Thursday 30th December to motivate the participants was the District Chief Executive of the Ho West District, Hon. Ernest Victor Appau. The DCE observed that the best way to touch lives is to build the capacities of people by offering them relevant skills that can be used in developing themselves and society at large. He underscored the importance of ICT in the ever changing world and implored the learners to take advantage of the opportunity provided by the MP and make the best out of it. 

For those who applied but could not get the opportunity in the current session, the MP has arranged for them to be part of subsequent cohort since their data is already with the office. Participants are expected back at camp on Tuesday, the 4th of January.
Office of The Member of Parliament 
Ho West Constituency

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